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Harris's Checkerspot (Chlosyne harrisii)

Description: A medium sized butterfly that, with its orange, brown, and silver patterned wing, is similar to Silvery Checkerspot and the fritillaries. It can be distinguished from the fritillaries by the very checkered pattern and plain orange marginal band of the underside of the hindwing. Wingspan: 30 to 41 mm.

Maritime Distribution: Throughout Maritimes. For Atlas results click here.

Provincial Ranks: NB: S4. NS: S4. PEI: S4.

Flight Period: Mid June to late July.

Host Plant: Flat-topped White Aster (Doellingeria umbellata).

Notes: This species is commonly found in wet meadows where its host plant is found. For some reason it is scarce in much of its range despite the presence of suitable habitat. The caterpillars are easily found in the spring on the host plant.